About our teeth repairing treatments

Our Dublin team can help repair your teeth with a variety of solutions, from dental fillings to root canal treatment. Our clinicians provide only highest quality of care for our patients. Before any treatment plan, we will provide an initial consultation to take time to understand your needs and tailor treatment to suit you.

Key points

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    During your routine check-up with our Dalkey Clinic dentist, we will use a small mirror to assess the surface of your teeth, looking for signs of decay or little cracks and fissures. This will help with our assessment.

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    Fillings may be made from a number of different materials depending on the type of fitting your tooth requires, dependent on your dental recommendations. This includes direct and indirect fillings.

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    Your dentist will discuss all of the options and advise on the best choice for your teeth. The process is straightforward, and often only requires one or two appointments at our local Dublin practice.

Find out more about fillings

Key points

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    Root canal treatment (or endodontics) is required when there is an infection deep within your tooth. If left untreated, this kind of infection can not only be very painful, but can lead to an abscess or even tooth loss.

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    There are multiple signs of tooth infection. Endodontic treatment is always carried out by a specialist clinician at our practice in Dublin and an anaesthetic is used to keep you comfortable through the process.

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    Following your first preparatory visit to The Dalkey Clinic to prepare you for treatment, we create a custom-made crown to fit your tooth, which is fitted at your second visit. This will conclude your root canal treatment.

Find out more about root canals